Certified Handyman vs Licensed Contractor

If you hire a Licensed Contractor to do Handyman work then you may not be covered by their insurance. A General Contractor is required by their License to perform two different trades per job. If something happens on your property that requires an insurance claim to be filed then upon investigation the insurance company may not pay on the claim. Laws vary state to state but in California it is a $500 fine if a Contractor works outside of his License.  Although laws governing Contractors and the Handyman vary by state, most states have laws that are designed to restrict both. In the State of California a Handyman must stay within $500 on jobs performed. A Handyman doing a job over $500 is subject to a $10,000 fine and up to 6 months in jail.  In most cases you should hire a Licensed Contractor to perform larger type jobs and a Handyman to perform the smaller repair type jobs.  However unlike state agencies would like you to believe you do not need a Licensed Contractor to do Larger jobs performed on your home.  In most cases when a homeowner is happy with and trust their Handyman they can do just about any job without the use of a Licensed Contractor.  We recommend that you check the laws regarding Hiring a Handyman and Contractors before you perform work on your home. Members of the UHA enjoy the benefit that we do the research for you.


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