Never allow a home professional into your home again without knowing all you can about the company or the individual. Word of mouth referrals are great but sometimes we need to use someone we find on the internet, phone book or even on the street. We offer screening and background services so that you can you can feel comfortable with who you hire. We stand behind who we certify. If a company that we screen and certify commits fraud toward you we will pay you back for your loss. See Terms and Conditions of Fraud protection. The fees for this service depend on your membership level or If you purchase as a non member.
Screening and Background may include a report of the following.
- Business search
- License Status
- Lawsuits pending or filed
- Criminal History
- Tax Id verification
- Insurance status
- BBB reports
- Blog information if any
How we gather our information.
We search several databases including the Better Business Bureau as well as a nation wide law enforcement database. We may contact the company or individual to assist with our search or verification. If the company is uncooperative we notify you of their resistance in our report to you. After search is complete the company gets entered into our database and you will receive a report from us through email. The report will indicate rather we will certify them or not. Based on our report you will then make the decision to hire them or not.
Screen and Monitor your Handyman service (Included with My Home and My Home PLUS)
We screen your handyman checking ;
- Business and personal history
- Criminal records
- Lawsuits filed or pending
- We check national Offenders lists.
- Check and verify business documents including Business license and Insurance.
- We notify you of status and if anything changes throughout the year.