Certified Handyman Member Benefits
- Business Coaching, 1hr free with certified membership.
- Job referrals. Customers search using location, services and name.
- Advertising benefits.
- Insurance benefits, Fraud protection included with certified membership.
- Access to current news and laws.
- Being part of a larger group with a common goal.
- Use of company name and logos
- Access to Legal advice, consultations and representation given by our Attorney
- Membership to our Facebook page for info and forums.
- Networking
- Support system
- Customer dispute mediation.
- Business Marketing.
- Video Profile to introduce yourself to potential customers.
- Online profile page listing business information, pdf of all business documents including Insurance, business license and any other certificate you carry.
My Home Membership Benefits (Customer Membership) Sign up now
Free My Home Membership if your handyman becomes certified.
- Screen and monitor your handyman included free.
- Piece of mind hiring.
- A resource for laws and regulations.
- Home repair tips and advice.
- Handyman Fraud protection.
- Handyman Dispute Mediation
- Search for a Handyman that fits your needs
- Resources and useful materials for safe home service hiring. Including My Home Log.
My Home PLUS Membership
- All the benefits of My Home and more.
- Screen and monitor your handyman for free+ two more home service professionals included for free.
- Handyman concierge service. Let us help you find your next handyman.
We make sure the service professionals you hire are safe so you can concentrate on what you need done. We notify you if anything of concern pops up regarding your home professional.
We put our money where our mouth is. If you hire one of our certified Handymen and they commit fraud towards you. (Take your money and run) We will pay you back for your loss. some conditions apply.
Affiliate Sales Associate Program
30% paid per account paid on initial sign up per year
15% Paid per account renewal each year.
Example: If an affiliate worked 5 days a week and signed an average of 2 members per day. Their first year they would make $45,000. The second year they would make 15% of their renewing customers $11,250 plus if they kept up the same pace of 2 member sign ups per day $45,000, that would be a gross earnings of $56,250 for their second year and so on. Their third year 15% of the renewing members $22,500 plus if they keep up the 2 member sign ups in their third year $45,000. Their third year gross earnings would be $67,500. And so on and on and on.